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The Perfect Product to Sell

First, a very good price, better if it's free!!! Who wouldn't want something if it's free? Then, where to find it? Fundamental is: EVERYWERE!!!! Even if you can see it, but they keep telling you that it's there, sooner or later, you'll get it!!! Also, very fundamental, has to be sold as soon as possible when the potential clients are very young so, in theory, they'll use it for the rest of their life. Someone lucky, while growing up, will say, "Hey wait a minute: Could it be that this product is made up???" And then, stops getting it even if it's free.

The Evolution of the Perfect Product

The first that began to sell it were the Egyptians. The product was coming every morning, it was there for free, it was warm (sometimes too warm) and it was going away every night so, in the dark, they could sleep undisturbed. Wow, what a product!!! They also give it a name. They call it….RA. Short and easy to remember so, the perfect product.

Then, the Greeks got a better idea. Instead of just one, lets have an entire family and put them in a place close but not reachable. Where? After a lot of thinking, they put them on top of a big mountain called Mount Olympus. It was always frozen and often had big scary storms with lightning so, who would be so stupid to go there and look around? Better to say that their boss was Jupiter and he was throwing lightning at anyone coming close. What a smart idea and, it was working well for millennia until the Romans, as usual, came out with an incredibly better idea.

The Roman Innovation

Instead of putting all the divinities so far away and unreachable, let's build immense statues of them, put them in temples so people can go there to look at them, talk with them, ask favors or, just simply be there. That worked greatly for a couple of millennia but then, unfortunately for them, something new and smarter came out that still works very well even today!!!!!

The Ultimate Product

So, what were the product's characteristics? First: instead of dozen of them, there will only be one!!!! Second: Instead of having him in a specific place maybe reachable by someone very courageous, or very stupid ☺, let's put him in the sky up there. The sky is immense and no one (courageous or stupid!!!) can really go there. Third: this is really a stroke of genius: let him have a son with a mortal woman and to make that happen, let's send a messenger to her that comes from the sky (please don't laugh yet), flapping his………..WINGS like a bird!!! O.K., now you can laugh!!!!

Anyway, the son, unfortunately, as a kid was O.K. but, growing up, began to say things that were a little too dangerous for the established "product" that was selling well so, they got him and………all of you know how it ended up!!!!

So, this is the perfect product that is selling well even today and, there is no reason to change it or improve it. Many tried to come out with a different product that is also free but, nothing works that well because, whatever you make up has to have a minimum of "credibility" and, some of the alternative products, are really not credible and, the only interesting characteristic is that they are free so, of course, there will always be good clients for a very simple reason: the moms of the i…..s, are always……….PREGNANT!!!!

Thank you for reading!

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